Jewels of the Prairie


Prairie Smoke

Prairie Violet

Blue eyed grass

Jewels of the Prairie .For thousands of years the American Prairie has produced beautiful wildflowers that survive in an environment of wind, drought, fire and snow. Although these plants were well-known to cultures of the past, these exquisite wildflowers are just being rediscovered today. A set of favorite "Jewels of the Prairie" has been captured in watercolor paintings by artist and naturalist Julie Martinez. Rendered in precise detail from living plants, these prints are both beautiful and scientifically accurate. Accompanying each print is a description of the plant, its botanical and common names, along with a map showing its natural range. All prints are numbered and signed by the artist. Enjoy at home, museum, or interpretive center.

MATTED PRINTS(11" x 14")..............Price 1 for $18, 2 for $34, 3 for $48, 4 for $60

[double mat of prairie sage over guilded gold inner margin]

UNMATTED PRINTS(11" x 14").........Price 1 for $10, 2 for $18, 3 for $24, 4 for $28

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Copyright 1999 by Pan Terra Inc., PO Box 556, Hill City, SD, USA 57745.

All rights reserved.......Tel or fax 605-574-4760