The magnificent skull of Sue, the largest and most complete T. rex ever found.
Sue has found a good home at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. The following was a status report back in 1996.
Resume of SUE, the Tyrannosaurus rex
Date of Birth: 65 million years ago(Maastrichtian, upper Cretaceous)
Present Address: Imprisoned in metal storage container in the machine shop, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD
Previous Addresses:
1) 1990-1992 - The Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Hill City, SD.
2) 65 million years ago to 1990 - Buried in the Hell Creek Formation near Faith, SD.
Permanent Residence Desired: The Black Hills Museum of Natural History in Hill City, SD.
Objectives: Resume my career as a research and display specimen for the world's scientists and children which I enjoyed from 1990-1992 at the BHIGR. Duties to include:
1) Educating Homo sapiens about the wonders of past life on this planet.
2) Revealing intimate details about my personal life and tribulations.
3) Being available again to the 30+ scientists who were studying me prior to my incarceration at the South Dakota School of Mines.
4) Report to NASA for my scheduled CATscan at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville Alabama, a 1992 appointment I was unable to keep due to my arrest and imprisonment.
Physical exam Results, 1991:
- femur 54 inches long.
- complete pelvis.
- nearly complete torso.
- the first nearly complete T. rex tail ever recovered(20 feet long, 30 caudal verts).
- the first complete T. rex shoulder girdle ever found.
- radius, ulna and handbones of the front arms.
- complete rear legs.
- skull 5 feet long, beautifully preserved and articulated.
- lower jaw with many serrated 12 inch long dagger-like teeth.
Cretaceous Health and Medical History:
- Broken and healed leg bone(fibula).
- Broken and healed tail vertebra.
- Poor vision in one eye from facial bite from another T. rex.
- Tooth from another T. rex embedded in one of my neck vertebra.
Cretaceous Associates:
- At least 3 more Tyrannosauri, possibly my family.
- A duckbilled dinosaur (Edmontosaurus annectens bones etched by stomach acids) probably my last meal.
- Assorted Crocodiles, Lizards, Turtles and Fish.
Personal Recommendations Available upon Request from:
- Mr. Peter Larson, Mr. Neal Larson, Mr. Bob Farrar of the BHIGR
- Mr. Terry Wentz, Chief Preparator of my remains at BHIGR.
- The thousands of visitors who saw me during my two years of freedom at the BHIGR
- My hundreds of friends and schoolkids who made signs and protested my seizure.
- The tens of thousands of signatories from all 50 states and more than 12 foreign countries who have petitioned for my return to the Institute.
- The reporters, editors, producers and authors of articles, books, TV and radio shows who have interviewed me.
Book Appearances:
Hunting Dinosaurs by Louis Psihoyos and John Knoebber
The Complete T. rex by John(Jack) Horner and Don Lessem
Law Reviews:
South Dakota Law Journal, Jurassic Farce, by P. K. Duffy and L. A. Lofgren
Indiana Law Journal, Bones of Contention, by David J. Lazerwitz
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal, Animal, Mineral or Cultural Antiquity?: The Preservation of Paleontological Resources, by Dorna Sachiki Sakurai
TV Appearances:
Prime Time Live with Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer (ABC)
Cronkites Dinosaurs (National Public Television)
NBC Weekend Today ABC World News Tonite
CBC Newscasts(Canada)
BBC Newscasts(UK)
NHK Creative Special(Japan)
Paleoworld (The Learning Channel and Discovery Channel)
Inside Edition
Fox Network News
Grenada TV(England)
Numerous ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN national news broadcasts
Magazine Appearances:
National Geographic
Discover Magazine
Science News
Natural History Magazine
Gakken Dinosaur Magazine (Tokyo, Japan)
Geology Today(UK)
Australian Natural History Magazine (Sidney, Australia)
New Scientist
Lapidary Journal
Ranger Rick Magazine
Audobon Magazine
Outside Magazine
New Republic
American Lawyer
Reason Magazine
The Progressive
Philadelphia Enquirer
Newspaper Appearances:
Every daily and weekly newpaper in South Dakota and western Wyoming
London Times
New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
Washington Times
Reno Gazette-Journal
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Omaha World Herald
Denver Post
Rocky Mountain News
Tucson Citizen
Casper Star Tribune
Richmond Times Dispatch
Clarendon News Tribune
Hays Daily News
Tampa Tribune
Topeka Capital Journal
San Jose Mercury News
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Des Moines Register
Dallas Morning News
Billings Gazette
Indianapolis Star
Lincoln Star Journal
Orlando Sentinel
Salt Lake Tribune
Wyoming State Tribune
Pittsburgh Press
Bismarck Tribune
Huntsville Times News
Sentinel(Ft. Wayne)
Also papers in Canada, Japan, Chine, Greece, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland.
Discoverer Susan
Hendrickson stands in front of the skeleton in situ.
Pete Larson works at
the Sue site.
Articulated vertebrae
are uncovered.
Bones are stabilized
in the field prior to jacketing and removal.
Pete Larson works on
Sue's skull in the field.
Sue is plaster
jacketed into large blocks for transport back to the lab.
Bob Farrar
illustrates how Sue's skull has been vertically compressed.
BHI Chief Preparator Terry Wentz points out interesting pathologies:
Sue was bitten across
the face and may have been blind in her right eye.
Extra bone growth
below eye socket.
holes which may have been drains from infection.
A small bony lump on
the lower jaw.
Neal Larson shows
Sue's front arm.
Copyright 1999 by Pan Terra Inc., PO Box 556, Hill City, SD, USA 57745.
All rights reserved.......Tel or fax 605-574-4760