This page is a companion to the book: Cephalopods
of the Pierre Seaway by Neal Larson.
Ammonites of the Fox Hills Formation
Sphenodiscus lenticularis
Sphenodiscus lenticularis
Jeletzkytes spedeni
Discoscaphites gulosus
Discoscaphites conradi
Hoploscaphites nicolleti
Jeletzkytes nebrascensis
Actinosepia canadensis
Didymoceras nebrascense and D.
Ammonites of the Pierre Shale
Didymoceras nebrascense
Didymoceras stevensoni
Exiteloceras jennegi
Didymoceras cheyennese
Didymoceras bindosam
Baculites compressus
Baculites compressus
Placenticeras meeki
Placenticeras intecalare
Jeletzkytes nodosus
Jeletzkytes brevis
Jeletzkytes plenus
Rhaeboceras halli
Eutrephoceras elegans
Didymoceras cf. archiacianum
Solenoceras sp.
Ammonites of the World
Nostoceras draconis
Mammites depressus
Brewericeras huleneuse
Scaphites whitfieldi
Plesioturrilites sp.
Prolyelliceras sp.
Dactylioceras sp.
Psiloceras planorbis
Epiophoceras sp.
Harpoceras sp.
Hoplites sp.
Acanthotenthis sp.
Ancyloceras sp.
Cephalopods of the Pierre Seaway , a book by
Neal Larson, covers 90 species, 32 genera and 13 families
of some of the most beautiful animals the world has ever seen.
Comprehensive and up-to-date, 180 pages with more than 200
photos, 60 detailed illustrations, and 9 full page plates.
Call, write, or email the curator to order this
terrific book. $20 + $3.50 Shipping

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